We could not do any of our work without your generous donations, making it possible for us to feed and support hundreds of people in need.
By making a donation today, you can help change people’s circumstances for the better. You will be feeding both adults and young people and helping them rebuild their lives.
Every penny counts and 100% of your donations goes towards helping others. Any amount that you wish to donate is gratefully received.
If you are a local business and would like to make a donation, please email:
Donate Now
Account name: Unite in Virtue
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account number: 15102560
Sort code: 77-85-23
IBAN: GB45LOYD77852315102560
Facebook Donations
Some of our Unite in Virtue members have raised more than £150 via Facebook’s Fundraising Page, all of which goes towards food supplies for the homeless.
Simply set up a fundraiser on your Facebook profile page by following this easy step-by-step guide:
1. Click on your Facebook menu
2. Scroll down to ‘see more’
3. Click on ‘fundraisers’
4. Click on ‘raise money’
5. It will ask ‘who are you raising money for?’ Click on ‘Something not on Facebook’
6. Select ‘Community Projects/Groups’ category
7. Name the fundraiser ‘Unite in Virtue’
8. In the ‘Tell Your Story’ section, you can write a summary of what we do, or you can put:
Unite in Virtue raises money to feed the homeless in Birmingham every Saturday. Volunteers cook hot meals, desserts, sandwiches, crisps, tea and drinks. Please help us in raising money for food supplies. We are also looking for volunteers to help cook and distribute. If you would like to volunteer, please send me a direct message. Thank you!
9. Select country and currency
10. Create Fundraiser, and invite friends to donate
11. It will then be reviewed
12. Once approved, it will ask to link to your personal account with your IBAN number. Please input the Unite in Virtue IBAN: GB45LOYD77852315102560
13. You should then receive a congrats message that it’s all set up
14. Please share the post with all your friends and invite them to donate
15. The donations will take a few additional working days to be processed.
Every donation will help us keep Unite in Virtue going.